Excite your students by being a self-hoster! Any profession or discipline can use a technical twist. Demonstrate yours by deploying a dojo!

three people sitting in front of table laughing together
Photo by Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

As a college professor in the higher education industry, one of the most valuable resources you have is your Teaching Assistant (TA). TAs help you manage the classroom, grade papers, and provide students with extra help when needed. However, there are times when you might find yourself short of a TA, or you might be working in a smaller college where the budget doesn't allow for a full-time TA. In such situations, getting a dojo can be the perfect solution.

A dojo is a term used in open-source software development, which means a virtual place for collaboration and learning. In the context of higher education, a dojo can be an online platform that allows students to learn from each other, collaborate on projects, and share ideas. Dojos can be created using a variety of open-source tools, such as Moodle, WordPress, or Drupal.

person in black and white t-shirt using computer
Photo by Fikret tozak / Unsplash

One of the primary advantages of using a dojo is that it provides a low-cost way to manage the classroom. As a college professor, you can create a dojo for your students and give them access to a wide range of learning resources, such as videos, lectures, and assignments. Students can then work together on projects and submit their work online, reducing the need for you to grade papers manually. This can be a huge time-saver, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your job.

Another advantage of using a dojo is that it can be a valuable tool for engaging students. Many students today are digital natives, meaning they grew up using technology and are comfortable with it. By providing them with a dojo, you can tap into their natural affinity for technology and create a learning environment that feels familiar and engaging. Additionally, the collaborative nature of dojos can help students build relationships with each other, creating a sense of community in the classroom.

an empty classroom with wooden desks and windows
Photo by 2y.kang / Unsplash

When it comes to creating a dojo, there are many open-source tools available that can help. For example, Moodle is a popular platform for creating online courses, and it comes with a range of features, including forums, quizzes, and grading tools. WordPress and Drupal, on the other hand, are content management systems that can be used to create a wide range of websites, including educational sites.

In conclusion, if you're short of a TA or working in a smaller college where the budget doesn't allow for a full-time TA, getting a dojo can be the perfect solution. Dojos are low-cost, engaging, and collaborative, making them a valuable tool for managing the classroom and engaging students. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a TA, consider getting a dojo instead.